Publications & Other Samples

Here are samples of my most recent published work.  Also see the links in the right-side menu column.

1.  Personal essay, winner of a national writing award:  The Decision Tree

2.  A broadside for marijuana legalization:  Madness Lies in Ignoring Facts

3.  How to apply a business lesson to small town governance:  You Want All This Done, In What Order?

4.  The Cartoon Book of Santa Fe, with Michael Cochran.  Self-published, sold 5,000 copies.

I wrote this book with cartoonist Michael Cochran when we worked for the Albuquerque Journal in Santa Fe in 1982.  Michael was a funny, wild-haired chain-smoking Marine combat veteran, I was a straight-laced newspaper reporter covering cops and courts.

The idea was to poke some fun at Santa Fe’s unique foibles, historical as well as modern-day.  We formed Whispering Sands Publications, raised some money from friends and family, and self-published the book.  It was great fun, even the manual cutting and pasting of the manuscript on my dining room table to prepare it for the printer.  Then one day 5,000 copies landed on my driveway.  Oh, oh, I thought, now I have to sell these?  Michael and I sold every book, going door to door to stores, hotels, restaurants and offices in Santa Fe for about six months.  We cut and formed counter-top displays out of cardboard, spray-painting them black in my garage.  It was a great experience.  I hope you enjoy the book.  You can see same samples of Michael’s cartoons and my historical notes here.  You can also find the book for sale here or here, among other places.