
June 4, 2014:  I spoke at a gathering of the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation.  I talked about the origins of my novel, In the Mouth of the Wolf, and the challenges of a Seattle writer creating a historical novel set in Trieste.  I also did a short reading.  Bellevue Arts Museum.

May 8, 2013:  A Brief History of Trieste Through One Family’s Experience (and a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of a historical novel), Dante Alighieri Society of Seattle, 6:30-8:30 PM, Seattle.

March-April, 2013:  Research trip to Trieste funded by a grant from USA Projects (now HatchFund) and many individual donors.

July-October, 2012:  Artist Trust EDGE Celebration, juried exhibition of literary and visual artwork produced by EDGE program graduates.  My contribution (photo below) is an excerpt from The Decision Tree, an award-winning personal essay. Note:  At least on my screen, the photo of the exhibit is squished horizontally.   Washington State Convention Center, July-October, 2012.

May, 2012:  Field research and writing retreat in Trieste, Italy, funded in part by a grant from Artist Trust.

April, 2012:  Third EDGE Salon at Vermillion (see September 2011 entry below).  Read an excerpt from my historical novel, Amedeo.

January, 2012:  Second EDGE Salon at Vermillion. (See September 2011 entry below)

September, 2011:  With two co-curators, launching the EDGE Salon at Vermillion.  Our purpose is to provide cross-fertilization for writers and singer-songrwriters in a friendly environment.

Jan-Mar 2011:  Participant in Artist Trust’s EDGE professional development program for artists.  Graduate reading at Elliott Bay Books.

November, 2010:  NaNoWriMo — National Novel Writing Month.  Wrote 50,000-word first draft of my historical novel, In the Mouth of the Wolf.

October 15, 2009, 2:30 pm Trieste time (9 hours before PST):  Live on Boracom webtv,  interviewed by Luigi Urdih on his show Booksland (in Italian).

October, 2009:  On-location research for my memoir, Free the Sorrow, in Trieste, Italy.  (Note:  This trip also triggered the development of my historical novel, In the Mouth of the Wolf).

March 10, 2009:  Richard Hugo House, End-of-Term Reading.  Excerpt from memoir-in-progress, titled Free the Sorrow.  Richard Hugo House, 1634 11th Avenue, Seattle.  Reception at 6:30 pm, readings begin at 7 pm.

February 14, 2009:  Richard Hugo House, participated in 72 Hour Challenge.  Writers from the Hugo House community took the 72-Hour Challenge built around six prompts.  Selected submissions published on Hugo House website (no longer available).

November 18, 2008:  Reading from my personal essay Where the Rubber Meets the Road, about a handful of important learning experiences as a young marketing manager at Frito-Lay and how they shaped my business career.  Richard Hugo House, 1634 11th Avenue, Seattle.